Itheyiphu ephrintiwe ngokwezifiso
Ukupakisha itheyiphu engaphrintwa ngamaphethini
Umbala: Umbala ophrintiwe.
Izinto ezibonakalayo: BOPP.
I-Shape: Roll, inkambiso.
Izici: I-Viscosity Eqinile, Ukusobala Okuphezulu, Akulula Ukuphula, I-Haze ephansi
Itheyipu ebonakalayo ebonakalayo isetshenziselwa ukubeka amabhokisi
Ithephu yesikoshi. Yasungulwa ngo-1928 nguRichard Drew eSt Paul, eMinnesota. Adhesive tape according to its efficacy can be divided into: high temperature adhesive tape, double-sided adhesive tape, insulation adhesive tape, special adhesive tape, pressure sensitive adhesive tape, die-cutting adhesive tape, different efficacy for different industry needs.